Source code for configfetch

"""Helper to get values from configparser and argparse."""

import argparse
from collections import OrderedDict
import configparser
import os
import re
import shlex
import sys

# Record available function names for value conversions.
# After the module initialization, this is populated.
_REGISTRY = set()

_UNSET = object()

# ConfigParser.BOOLEAN_STATES and ``None``
    '1': True, 'yes': True, 'true': True, 'on': True,
    '0': False, 'no': False, 'false': False, 'off': False,
    '': None,

_STRING_RE = re.compile(r"""(["'])(.+)\1$""")

class Error(Exception):
    """Base Exception class for the module."""

# ``configparser`` has 11 custom Exceptions scattered in 14 methods,
# the last time I checked.
# I'm not going to wrap except the most relevant ones.

class NoSectionError(Error, configparser.NoSectionError):
    """Raised when no section is found."""

class NoOptionError(Error, configparser.NoOptionError):
    """Raised when no option is found."""

    def __init__(self, option, section):
        super().__init__(option, section)

class OptionBuildError(Error):
    """Raised when config file has a invalid line."""

def register(meth):
    """Decorate value functions to populate global value `_REGISTRY`."""
    return meth

def _parse_bool(value):
    value = value.lower()
    if value not in BOOLEAN_STATES:
        raise ValueError('Not a boolean: %s' % value)
    return BOOLEAN_STATES[value]

# following Mohammad Azim's advice
def _escaped_split(string, char):
    out = []
    part = []
    escape = False
    for c in string:
        if c == char:
            if escape:
                part[-1] = c  # pop the last character ('\\'), and add 'char'
                part = []
        escape = (c == '\\')
    if part:
    return [''.join(part) for part in out]

def _parse_comma(value):
    return [v.strip() for v in _escaped_split(value, ',') if v.strip()]

def _parse_line(value):
    return [v.strip() for v in _escaped_split(value, '\n') if v.strip()]

class Func(object):
    """Register and apply value conversions."""

    def __init__(self, name, ctx, fmts): = name
        self._ctx = ctx
        self._fmts = fmts

    def bool(self, value):
        return _parse_bool(value)

    def int(self, value):
        if value == '':
            return None
        return int(value)

    def float(self, value):
        if value == '':
            return None
        return float(value)

    def comma(self, value):
        return _parse_comma(value)

    def line(self, value):
        return _parse_line(value)

    def bar(self, value):
        """Concatenate with ``'|'``.

        Receive a list of strings as ``value``, return a string.
        if not isinstance(value, list):
            msg = "'configfetch.Func._bar()' accepts only 'list'. Got %r"
            raise ValueError(msg % str(value))
        if any(value):
            return '|'.join(value)
            return ''

    def cmd(self, value):
        """Return a list of strings, useful for ``subprocess`` (stdlib)."""
        return shlex.split(value, comments='#')

    def cmds(self, value):
        """List version of ``_cmd``."""
        return [self.cmd(v) for v in value]

    def fmt(self, value):
        """Return a string processed by ``str.format``."""
        return value.format(**self._fmts)

    def plus(self, value):
        """Implement ``plusminus option`` (my neologism).

        Main logic is in `_get_plusminus_values`.
        Presuppose values are not processed.
        values = self.values
        return _get_plusminus_values(reversed(values))

    def _get_value(self, values):
        arg, env, conf = values
        if arg not in (_UNSET, None):
            value = arg
        elif env not in (_UNSET, ''):
            value = env
        elif conf is not _UNSET:
            value = conf
            value = _UNSET
        return value

    def _get_funcname(self, option):
        funcnames = []
        if self._ctx:
            func = self._ctx.get(option, {}).get('func')
            if func:
                for f in func:
        return funcnames

    def _get_func(self, option):
        funcnames = self._get_funcname(option)
        return [getattr(self, fn) for fn in funcnames]

    def _ctx_to_funcname_map(self, name):
        return name

    def _format_value(self, option, values, func):
        value = self._get_value(values)
        if value is _UNSET:
            raise NoOptionError(option,
        if not func:
            return value
        for f in func:
            value = f(value)
        return value

    def __call__(self, option, values):
        func = self._get_func(option)
        self.values = values
        value = self._format_value(option, values, func)
        return value

class DictOptionBuilder(object):
    """Parse and edit option values from a dictionay."""

    def __init__(self, conf):
        self._config = conf._config
        self._conf = conf

    def parse(self, input_):
        if not isinstance(input_, dict):
            raise ValueError('input data must be dict.')

        self._input = input_
        return self._parse()

    def _parse(self):
        ctx = {}
        for sec, section in self._input.items():
            if sec not in self._config:
            for opt, option in section.items():
                self._parse_option(sec, section, opt, option, ctx)
        return ctx

    def _parse_option(self, sec, section, opt, option, ctx):
        self._config[sec][opt] = option['value']
        if option.get('argparse'):
            if not ctx.get(opt):
                ctx[opt] = {}
            ctx[opt]['argparse'] = option['argparse']
        if option.get('func'):
            if not ctx.get(opt):
                ctx[opt] = {}
            ctx[opt]['func'] = option['func']

class FiniOptionBuilder(object):
    """Parse ``FINI`` option values and create context dict."""

    HELP_PREFIX = ':'
    ARGS_PREFIX = '::'
    ARGS_SHORTNAMES = {'f': 'func'}

    def __init__(self, conf):
        self._config = conf._config
        self._conf = conf

        # Note: require a space (' ') for nonblank values
        comp = re.compile
        self._help_re = comp(r'^\s*(%s)(?: (.+))*$' % self.HELP_PREFIX)
        self._args_re = comp(r'^\s*(%s)(?: (.+))*\s*$' % self.ARGS_PREFIX)

    def parse(self, input_):
        """Parse input and build conifg data and metadata."""
        if hasattr(input_, 'read'):
        elif isinstance(input_, str):
            raise ValueError('input data must be file object or string.')

        self._input = input_
        return self._parse()

    def _parse(self):
        ctx = {}
        for secname, section in self._config.items():
            for option in section:
                self._parse_option(section, option, ctx)
        return ctx

    def _parse_option(self, section, option, ctx):
        value = section[option]
        args, value = self._parse_args(value)

        section[option] = value
        if args['argparse']:
            if not ctx.get(option):
                ctx[option] = {}
            ctx[option]['argparse'] = args['argparse']
        if args['func']:
            if not ctx.get(option):
                ctx[option] = {}
            ctx[option]['func'] = args['func']

    def _parse_args(self, value):
        help_ = []
        args = {'argparse': {}, 'func': {}}
        option_value = []
        state = 'root'  # root -> (help) -> (argparse) -> (func) -> value
        error_fmt = 'Invalid line at: %r'

        for line in value.split('\n'):
            if line.strip() == '' and state not in ('help', 'value'):

            m = self._help_re.match(line)
            if m:
                if state not in ('root', 'help'):
                    raise OptionBuildError(error_fmt % line)
                state = 'help'
                # create blank 'help' key beforehand, to preserve key order
                args['argparse']['help'] = ''
                help_.append( if else '')

            m = self._args_re.match(line)
            if m:
                if not
                    raise OptionBuildError(error_fmt % line)

                key, val =':', maxsplit=1)
                key, val = self._convert_arg(key, val)
                if key != 'func':
                    if state not in ('help', 'argparse'):
                        raise OptionBuildError(error_fmt % line)
                    args['argparse'][key] = val
                    state = 'argparse'
                    if state not in ('root', 'help', 'argparse'):
                        raise OptionBuildError(error_fmt % line)
                    args['func'] = val
                    state = 'func'

            state = 'value'

        option_value = '\n'.join(option_value)
        if help_:
            args['argparse']['help'] = '\n'.join(help_)
        return args, option_value

    def _convert_arg(self, key, val):
        key, val = key.strip(), val.strip()
        if key in self.ARGS_SHORTNAMES:
            key = self.ARGS_SHORTNAMES[key]
        return key, self._convert_arg_value(key, val)

    def _convert_arg_value(self, key, val):
        arg_type = {
            'names': 'comma',
            'action': '',
            'nargs': 'number',
            'const': 'number, bool',
            'default': 'number, bool',
            'type': 'eval',
            'choices': 'comma, number',
            'required': 'bool',
            'help': '',
            'metavar': '',
            'dest': '',
            'func': 'comma',
        for conv in arg_type[key].split(','):
            conv = conv.strip()
            if not conv:
            if conv == 'comma':
                val = _parse_comma(val)
            if conv == 'number':
                val = self._number_or_string(val)
            if conv == 'bool':
                val = self._bool_or_string(val)
            if conv == 'eval':
                val = eval(val)
        return val

    def _number_or_string(self, string):
        # 'string' may be string or a list of string
        if isinstance(string, list):
            return [self._number_or_string(s) for s in string]

            return int(string)
        except ValueError:
                return float(string)
            except ValueError:
                m = _STRING_RE.match(string)
                if m:
                return string

    def _bool_or_string(self, something):
        # something may be string, int or float (or other)
        if something == 'True':
            return True
        if something == 'False':
            return False
        return something

    def _set_argparse_suppress(self, args):
        for key, val in args['argparse'].items():
            if val == 'argparse.SUPPRESS':
                args['argparse'][key] = argparse.SUPPRESS

class ArgumentBuilder(object):
    """Fill ``argparse.ArgumentParser`` object with arguments."""

    def __init__(self, conf):
        self._config = conf._config
        self._ctx = conf._ctx

    def build(self, argument_parser, sections=None):
        if sections is None:
            sections = self._config.sections()
        if isinstance(sections, str):
            sections = [sections]
        for section in sections:
            for option in self._config.options(section):
                self._build(argument_parser, section, option)

    def _build(self, parser, section, option):
        args = self._ctx.get(option, {}).get('argparse')
        if not args or not args.get('help'):

        names = args.pop('names', None) or []
        names = self._build_argument_names(names)

        func = self._ctx.get(option, {}).get('func')
        if func and 'bool' in func:
            const = 'no' if args.get('dest') else 'yes'
            bool_arg = {
                'action': 'store_const',
                'const': const,
        parser.add_argument(*names, **args)

    def _build_argument_names(self, names_):
        names = []
        for n in names_:
            if len(n) == 1:
                names.append('-' + n)
            # permissive rule, both 'v' and '-v' are OK.
            if len(n) == 2 and n[0] == '-':
            names.append('--' + n.replace('_', '-'))
        return names

[docs]class ConfigFetch(object): """A custom Configuration object. It keeps a ``ConfigParser`` object (``_config``) and a correspondent option-name-to-metadata map (``_ctx``). It also has ``argparse.Namespace`` object (``args``), and Environment variable dictionay (``envs``). If the option name counterpart is defined in ``args`` or ``envs``, their value precedes the config value. So most config option names must be global, since ``args`` and ``envs`` do not have ``section`` namespace. E.g. if a config has 'foo' section and 'bar' option in it, ``args``, and ``envs`` just check the name 'bar', ignoring section hierarchy. The metadata includes function list specific to the option name. Option access gets value from ``arg``, ``envs`` or config, and returns a functions-applied-value. The class ``__init__`` should accept all ``ConfigParser.__init__`` keyword arguments. Additional argumants are: :param fmts: dictionay ``Func._fmt`` uses :param args: ``argparse.Namespace`` object :param envs: dictionary with option name and Environment Variable name as key and value :param Func: ``Func`` or subclasses, worker to keep and look-up functions :param option_builder: ``DictOptionBuilder`` or ``FiniOptionBuilder``, worker to build value and metadata from data input :param parser: ``ConfigParser`` or a subclass, keep actual config values """ def __init__(self, *, fmts=None, args=None, envs=None, Func=Func, option_builder=FiniOptionBuilder, parser=configparser.ConfigParser, **kwargs): self._fmts = fmts or {} self._args = args or argparse.Namespace() self._envs = envs or {} self._Func = Func self._option_builder = option_builder self._parser = parser self._ctx = {} # option -> metadata dict self._cache = {} # SectionProxy object cache self._optionxform = self._get_optionxform() self._config = parser(**kwargs) self._config.optionxform = self._optionxform
[docs] def fetch(self, input_): """Read input and build config data and metadata. Note type of input entirely depends on option_builder. ``DictOptionBuilder`` accepts only python dictionary object. ``FiniOptionBuilder`` accepts only opened file object or string. """ option_builder = self._option_builder(self) self._ctx.update(option_builder.parse(input_)) # shortcut = self.read_file = self._config.read_file self.read_string = self._config.read_string self.read_dict = self._config.read_dict
def _get_optionxform(self): def _xform(option): return option return _xform
[docs] def build_arguments(self, argument_parser, sections=None): """Run ``argument_parser.add_argument`` according to config metadata. :param argument_parser: ``argparse.ArgumentParser`` or a subclass, either blank or with some arguments already defined :param sections: a section name (string) or section list to filter sections, default (``None``) is for all sections :returns: argument_parser """ ArgumentBuilder(self).build(argument_parser, sections) return argument_parser
[docs] def set_arguments(self, namespace): """Set ``_args`` attribute. :param namespace: ``argparse.Namespace`` object It manually sets ``_args`` again, after initialization. """ self._args = namespace
# TODO: Invalidate attribute names this class uses. # cf. set(dir(configfetch.fetch(''))) - set(dir(object())) def __getattr__(self, section): if section not in self._cache: s = SectionProxy( self, section, self._ctx, self._fmts, self._Func) self._cache[section] = s return self._cache[section] def get(self, section): try: return self.__getattr__(section) except NoSectionError: # follows dictionary's ``.get()`` return None def __iter__(self): return self._config.__iter__()
class SectionProxy(object): """``ConfigFetch`` section proxy object. Similar to ``ConfigParser``'s proxy object. """ def __init__(self, conf, section, ctx, fmts, Func): self._conf = conf self._config = conf._config = section self._ctx = ctx self._fmts = fmts self._Func = Func # 'ConfigParser.__contains__()' includes default section. if self._get_section() not in self._config: raise NoSectionError(self._get_section()) # Introduce small indirection, # in case it needs special section manipulation in user subclasses. def _get_section(self, option=None): return def _get_conf(self, option, fallback=_UNSET, convert=False): section = self._get_section(option) try: value = self._config.get(section, option) except configparser.NoOptionError: return fallback if convert: value = self._convert(option, (value, _UNSET, _UNSET)) return value def _get_arg(self, option): if self._conf._args and option in self._conf._args: return getattr(self._conf._args, option) return _UNSET def _get_env(self, option): env = None if self._conf._envs and option in self._conf._envs: env = self._conf._envs[option] if env and env in os.environ: return os.environ[env] return _UNSET def _get_values(self, option): return [self._get_arg(option), self._get_env(option), self._get_conf(option)] def __getattr__(self, option): values = self._get_values(option) return self._convert(option, values) def _convert(self, option, values): # ``arg`` may have non-string value. # it returns it as is (not raising Error). arg = values[0] if arg not in (_UNSET, None): if not isinstance(arg, str): return arg f = self._get_func_class() return f(option, values) def _get_funcname(self, option): f = self._get_func_class() optionxform = self._conf._optionxform return f._get_funcname(optionxform(option)) def _get_func_class(self): return self._Func(, self._ctx, self._fmts) def get(self, option, fallback=_UNSET): try: return self.__getattr__(option) except NoOptionError: if fallback is _UNSET: raise else: return fallback # Note it does not do any reverse-formatting. def set_value(self, option, value): section = self._get_section(option) self._config.set(section, option, value) def __iter__(self): return self._config[].__iter__()
[docs]class Double(object): """Supply a parent section fallback, before 'DEFAULT'. An accessory helper class, not so related to this module's main concern. Default section is a useful feature of ``INI`` format, but it is always global and unconditional. Sometimes more fine-tuned one is needed. :param sec: ``SectionProxy`` object :param parent_sec: ``SectionProxy`` object to fallback """ def __init__(self, sec, parent_sec): self.sec = sec self.parent_sec = parent_sec def __getattr__(self, option): funcnames = self.sec._get_funcname(option) if funcnames == ['plus']: return self._get_plus_value(option) else: return self._get_value(option) def _get_value(self, option): # Blank values are None, '', and []. 'False' should be excluded. # spec: # No preference between blank values. Just returns parent one. try: val = self.sec.get(option) except NoOptionError: return self.parent_sec.get(option) if val in (None, '', []): try: return self.parent_sec.get(option) except NoOptionError: pass return val def _get_plus_value(self, option): parent_val = self.parent_sec._get_conf(option) values = self.sec._get_values(option) values = values + [parent_val] self._check_unset(values, option, return _get_plusminus_values(reversed(values)) def get(self, option, fallback=_UNSET): try: return self.__getattr__(option) except ValueError: if fallback is _UNSET: raise else: return fallback def _check_unset(self, values, section, option): if all([value is _UNSET for value in values]): raise NoOptionError(section, option) def __iter__(self): return self.sec.__iter__()
[docs]def fetch(input_, *, encoding=None, fmts=None, args=None, envs=None, Func=Func, parser=configparser.ConfigParser, option_builder=FiniOptionBuilder, **kwargs): """Fetch ``ConfigFetch`` object. It is a convenience function for the basic use of the library. Most arguments are the same as ``ConfigFetch.__init__``. the specific arguments are: :param input_: ``dict``, ``file obj`` or ``string`` according to ``option_builder``. Additionally, if the input is string and in system path, it tries to open to make file object :param encoding: encoding to use when opening the input """ conf = ConfigFetch(fmts=fmts, args=args, envs=envs, Func=Func, parser=parser, option_builder=option_builder) if issubclass(option_builder, FiniOptionBuilder): if isinstance(input_, str) and os.path.isfile(input_): with open(input_, encoding=encoding) as f: conf.fetch(f) return conf conf.fetch(input_) return conf
def _get_plusminus_values(adjusts, initial=None): """Add or sbtract values partially (used by ``_plus()``). Use ``+`` and ``-`` as the markers. :param adjusts: lists of values to process in order :param initial: initial values (list) to add or subtract further """ def _fromkeys(keys): return OrderedDict.fromkeys(keys) values = _fromkeys(initial) if initial else _fromkeys([]) for adjust in adjusts: # if not adjust: if adjust in (_UNSET, None, '', []): continue if not isinstance(adjust, str): fmt = 'Each input should be a string. Got %s(%s)' raise ValueError(fmt % (type(adjust), adjust)) adjust = _parse_comma(adjust) if not any([a.startswith(('+', '-')) for a in adjust]): values = _fromkeys(adjust) continue for a in adjust: cmd, a = a[:1], a[1:] if a and cmd == '+': if a not in values: values[a] = None elif a and cmd == '-': if a in values: del values[a] else: fmt = ('Input members must be ' "'+something' or '-something', or none of them. Got %r.") raise ValueError(fmt % (cmd + a)) return list(values.keys())
[docs]def minusadapter(parser, matcher=None, args=None): """Edit ``option_arguments`` with leading dashes. An accessory helper function. It unites two arguments to one, if the second argument starts with ``'-'``. The reason is that ``argparse`` cannot parse this particular pattern. | | And ``_plus`` uses this type of arguments frequently. :param parser: ArgumentParser object, already actions registered :param matcher: regex string to match options, to narrow the targets (``None`` means to process all arguments) :param args: arguments list to parse, defaults to ``sys.argv[1:]`` (the same as ``argparse`` default) """ def _iter_args(args, actions): args = iter(args) for arg in args: if arg in actions: if '=' not in arg: try: val = next(args) except StopIteration: yield arg raise if val.startswith('-'): if arg.startswith('--'): yield '%s=%s' % (arg, val) continue elif arg.startswith('-'): yield '%s%s' % (arg, val) continue else: yield arg yield val continue yield arg if not parser.prefix_chars == '-': return args actions = [] classes = (argparse._StoreAction, argparse._AppendAction) for a in parser._actions: if isinstance(a, classes): if a.nargs in (1, None): for opt in a.option_strings: if matcher: if not re.match(matcher, opt): continue actions.append(opt) args = args if args else sys.argv[1:] return list(_iter_args(args, actions))
[docs]class ConfigPrinter(object): """Print dictionay or INI format strings from configuration. :param conf: ConfigFetch object, with _config and _ctx attributes :param sections: list of section names to print, all sections if None :param width: indent unit width :param print: any function with one string argument, to customize printout behavior """ def __init__(self, conf, sections=None, width=4, print=print): self._conf = conf self.sections = sections self._dict = self.build_dict(conf) self.width = width self.print = print # Build clean dictionay from conf object def build_dict(self, conf): def build_section(section, ctx, defaults=None): d = {} for option, value in section.items(): if value is None: continue if defaults and option in defaults: if value == defaults[option]: continue d[option] = build_option(option, value, ctx) return d def build_option(option, value, ctx): d = {} for key in ctx: if key == option: for k, v in ctx[key].items(): d[k] = v if value is not None: d['value'] = value return d config = conf._config ctx = conf._ctx default_section = config.default_section defaults = config.defaults() section_names = self.sections or config.sections() d = {} section = build_section(defaults, ctx) if section: d[default_section] = section for sec in section_names: section = config[sec] if len(section) == 0: continue section = build_section(section, ctx, defaults) if section: d[sec] = section return d
[docs] def print_dict(self): """Print dictionary string.""" width = self.width print = self.print def iterate(d, level): def p(string): s = ' ' * level * width + string print(s) for k, v in d.items(): if getattr(v, 'items', None): p('%r: {' % k) iterate(v, level + 1) p('},') else: p('%r: %r,' % (k, v)) print('{') iterate(self._dict, level=1) print('}')
[docs] def print_ini(self): """Print INI format string.""" width = self.width print = self.print def p(string): print(string.rstrip()) option_len = 0 for sec, section in self._dict.items(): for option, value in section.items(): if len(option) > option_len: option_len = len(option) # Just avoiding importing math module # # plus 1 for '=' ceil = (option_len + 1 + width - 1) // width option_len = ceil * width for sec, section in self._dict.items(): p('[%s]' % sec) for option, val in section.items(): value = val['value'] first, *rest = value.split('\n') p('%*s%s' % (-option_len, option + '=', first)) if rest: for r in rest: p('%s%s' % (' ' * option_len, r)) print('')